Lógos as conviction and liberation of man in Cioran’s work


  • Eliana Verónica Lescano University of Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires, Argentina)




Cioran, lógos, word, anguish, lucidity


As Heraclitus, Cioran conceives man as a being that possesses lógos and is ruled in his life by it in its multiple aspects. Man not only makes use of word; this word also shapes him and traverses him entirely. Word is the necessary and intrinsic expression of every human being, and, as a result, he cannot elude it. In many of his works, Cioran warns us about the dangers that lógos has for man: not to find his genuine expression in the midst of so many words, and to fall into totalizing fictions that lead us to deception and indoctrination. For this reason, in the midst of this misfortune, Cioran even considers silence as the only possible way out. However, if man denies the mark of language by avoiding all forms of expression, the anguish that his own existence entails will end up destroying him. Paradoxically, Cioran finds that the expression of lógos is the only possible salvation for man from the clutches of death, and that is, why by expressing oneself through lógos, one's own unhappiness becomes a necessary condition of life.


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How to Cite

Lescano, E. V. (2020). Lógos as conviction and liberation of man in Cioran’s work. Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época, (16). https://doi.org/10.35305/cf2.vi16.77


