Curiosity killed the cat

Animality and posthumanism


  • Cecilia Piacenza



posthumanism, antrhropocentrism, subjectivity, animality


The multiple questioning of the figure of man advocated by humanism brought with it the question of the animal question. To what extent is it possible to oppose animals to the figure of man? Why is it so difficult for us to let go of our old conceptions despite the perseverance of anti-speciesist movements? In this essay I propose to examine the assumptions that, since humanism, have kept man away from his environment and the way in which new perspectives allow us to make the margins that delimit the human and the non-human more flexible. In particular, I would be interested in delving into the possibility of rethinking the way in which the animal category was traditionally defined and how this definition greatly affects our self-perception, seeking a complexity and openness to new ways of understanding subjectivity.


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How to Cite

Piacenza, C. (2022). Curiosity killed the cat: Animality and posthumanism. Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época, (19).



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