COVID-19, conspiracy theories and political epistemology


  • Guillermo Lariguet Legal and Social Research Center, CONICET/UNC (Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina)
  • María Sol Yuan Humanities and Social Sciences Institute of the Litoral, CONICET/UNL (Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Argentina)



COVID-19, conspiracy theories, political epistemology, rationality, reasonability


This paper deals with the COVID 19 pandemic problems from the point of view of political epistemology. It analyses the validity of conspiracy theories related to the origin, existence, and premeditation of COVID 19, as well as the effectiveness and legitimacy of the vaccines developed to stop its advance. To this end, the development of the work focuses on what we call the problem of the "formulation" that underlies conspiracy theories, analyzing it in two related dimensions. The first dimension of an epistemic nature provides a demarcation criterion for the rationality of theories based on the falsification criterion. The second dimension accentuates a political aspect analyzed from the standard of the reasonableness of such views. Both factors point out that conspiracy theories around the pandemic leave the world aside, whether in terms of the empirical basis that supports it or the democratic public space necessary for its development deliberation. From this approach, these views result in irrational and unreasonable ones to different degrees.


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How to Cite

Lariguet, G., & Yuan, M. S. (2021). COVID-19, conspiracy theories and political epistemology. Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época, (18).



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