Republic, historical narrative and thought

Hannah Arendt as interpreter of the American Revolution


  • Laura Arese National University of Córdoba (Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina)



politics, history, storytelling, republic, Hannah Arendt


Throughout her work, Hannah Arendt develops from different angles a persistent interest in the link between thought, historical narrative and politics. More precisely, she wonders about the possibility and importance of reaching, through a certain exercise of thought, a political perspective of history that can be appropriated by the field of praxis. The present work focuses on a particular moment in this line of thought, located in the book On Revolution, of 1963. We argue that in this work it is possible to recognize a commitment to the politicization of the practice of historical narration, which deepens at the same time introduces novelties in relation to the thematization of this topic in the Arendtian work of the fifties.


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How to Cite

Arese, L. (2021). Republic, historical narrative and thought: Hannah Arendt as interpreter of the American Revolution. Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época, (17).


