Republican rhetoric

The imprint of solidarity in civic humanism




republicanism, civic humanism, public virtues, solidarity, protreptic rhetoric


The objective of this article is twofold. On the one hand, it is intended to defend the rhetorical tradition that permeates civic humanism in terms of its potential usefulness with a view to citizenship education. On the other hand, through an exercise of "rational reconstruction" (Richard Rorty) or "rewriting" (Stanley Fish), it is proposed to trace the role of civic solidarity in Leonardo Bruni's Laudatio Florentinae urbis in order to make an "appropriation" of its elements in the context of current debates in political philosophy. The metaphor of the "flourishing" of the political community, recurrent in civic humanism, always implies an exhortation to the practice of civic virtues by citizens, that is, a subordination of particular interests to the common good and, consequently, a base of solidarity in the civil body. To do this, we will start from the Rawlsian distinction between "classical republicanism" and "civic humanism" found in Political Liberalism (V, §7, 5). Rawls's dissociative reasoning will be problematized to argue that the role of citizen virtues, as properly human virtues, must be more important and more demanding than liberalism reserves for them if we want a truly flourishing society.


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How to Cite

Farrés Juste, O. (2022). Republican rhetoric: The imprint of solidarity in civic humanism. Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época, (19).



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