Frightening shadow of the image

Image and aesthetics in the work of the photographer Gustavo Frittegotto


  • Jesús Antuña National University of Rosario (Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina)



image, aesthetics, photography, nature


In the following paper we will investigate the philosophical conception of the image through the photographic work by Gustavo Frittegotto. His artwork will allow us to dig into the photographic image problem, from the inquiries about technical images made by Walter Benjamin to its current uses. We propose to think Frittegotto's work in the borderline between certain contemporary practices that consider the image in its material specificity and other practices that propose an art "out of itself". Therefore, the approach to his work will enable a look at the current drifts of thought about the image.


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2018-12-09 — Updated on 2018-12-09


How to Cite

Antuña, J. (2018). Frightening shadow of the image: Image and aesthetics in the work of the photographer Gustavo Frittegotto. Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época, (13), 120–129.


